Wednesday 25 September 2013

Graphic Design Print Image

Graphic Style

This art style is known as photo-realism, this is the style of a cartoon character/thing that looks real, the example given is from the popular video game Devil May Cry 4, which utilizes this art style very well as this game is fantasy but also has aspects of realism.
The images used are the main protagonist and another character in the story, this can create mystery as the of character is obviously important to the story and creates mystery, pushing the audience to buy the product.
  The colors used in the Devil may cry series are used very sparsely as the characters in the games show darker and more grittier feels to the colors, but the environment itself is quite bright and well designed.
Written elements
the written element in this image if very sparse and isn't really much on this piece in particular but in the actual product itself, written element like text, subtitles and dialogue are well written.
Target Audience
The target audience for this type of media is late teens to early adults, so an average of around 16-24.

   Compare and Contrast
the style of brutal legend is pop art with punk, this creates a rock feel with a cartoon touch.

the images show a rock/punk/grunge type of art style and create images from stereotypes of rock culture ( guitar, spikes, fire, etc.) the same goes for the colour as well.

the target audience for this source would be an average age of 16-27, mainly a male audience

The difference between this and a moving image is that with a moving image there is a limit to what colours can be used whereas for a print image the use of colours is unlimited so bright and dark colours can be used. 

Monday 16 September 2013

Graphic Design, Art Styles

Graphic Design

Art Style-

Anime- Originally from Japan, Anime was first introduced in the 1900's, although the term anime wasn't made until the early 1980's, anime is seen as a specialty art form that include every genre within the film industry, Anime is loved for its unique take on character design, making certain attributes larger than others, this can create cartoon like film sequence when introduced into film.

Pop Art- An art culture that was developed in 1950 Britain, this art form is the use of pop culture and current events to create art, this is used in things such as comics and advertisements , during its early stage in its life, pop art was seen as pushing away traditional art styles into an age of old.

Op art- Optical art is the use of optical illusions within a piece of art, this style
is derived from Bauhaus from Germany but was made into what it is now in America, this style has been used to create pieces such as "Relativity" by M.C Escher.